A first not so failed attempt

When I started a new day job a little under 6 months ago, I was struggling to make the time for photography. I watched YouTube and read online articles to come up with the motivation to keep going. 

What I realised was I needed a project to keep me going. Even though I am an extrovert, at times I like to sit alone and recharge my social battery during my lunch break and this led me to come up with an idea, showing what people do and how they are during their lunch breaks. Some people like going out with friends; some people don’t.

I used 3 main stocks of film. Tri-X, HP5+ and Fomapan 400. I wanted my project to be black and white because I feel more at ease with B&W. I shot close to 80 rolls and had a lot of pictures.

Then my next step was to figure out was what would I do with this project? Just upload it online? Or just print out a few pictures?

Then it struck me; maybe print my first zine/picture book? But then another realisation hit me; I had no idea where to start. I had no idea how to make a photobook, where to get it printed, or even how to design it.

Went back to the drawing board, found some videos to show me how to use InDesign. Stumbling, making errors, I somehow created my proof and was ready to send it for printing.

Then someone told me “Black and white usually translates to darker images on paper than what you see on your screen”.

Then again to the drawing board and I edited my pictures to make them less contrasty and finally sent it out to print.

What I did not realise? I made a fatal mistake; I did not print a test photobook.

I received the books 2 weeks later… and the images that were amazing on screen appeared absolutely washed out in the book! Disappointment set in but not willing to give up, I decided I would learn from the mistakes; redesign the book and make sure everything comes out fine.

I’ll post the before and after results once I get it done. Until then I’ve attached couple of Images from the book to lessen the suspense. :)


Trip to Remember


The Missed Trip