Trip to Remember

I know it’s been a while since I have updated my blog/website. Fortunately, I was able to take pictures, a lot of them, so I will be uploading and updating quite a bit in the coming days.

Recently, I was away to Europe and a bucket load of photos, 66 rolls to be exact. I gave 59 of those rolls in Paris for developing; costed me a bomb. Being in Australia the street scene compared to Europe is not as diverse. Europe provides a lot more opportunities to take pictures. It was like a picture galore, I shot everything but tried to be mindful about it. I took my Leica M6, Fujica G645 Pro, Minolta Autocord and a new acquired Contax T2.

I mostly shot colour as I wanted to capture the vibrancy of Spring/Summer so, I shot mostly Portra 400 or 800. Some places I did try other stocks like Fuji 100, Fuji Pro 400H, Ektar 100 and Ektachrome 100.

Since I have been back, I haven’t had the time unfortunately to edit pictures because there’s 1100 of them and also, I have a job which allows me to fulfil my hobby.

Regardless to say though I’m quite happy with the results and I might make a photo album for myself once I go through the edits. Here are some of the pictures till then for you to enjoy. 😊


A first not so failed attempt